Acting as one against
infectious diseases
Acting as one against
infectious diseases
The Coordination Mechanism for Cohorts and Trials
Shifting from competition to collaboration in clinical research: the CoMeCT project looks to unite the different stakeholders from across Europe for harmonised and coordinated clinical research in infectious diseases.
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the importance of focusing efforts on large-scale, pragmatic trials to reduce research fragmentation, and duplication, and to lead to efficient use of resources and results. CoMeCT will ensure preparedness for any future pandemic through coordination of efforts.
With a sustainable and robust Coordination Mechanism that connects strategic adaptive platform trials, cohort studies and other relevant stakeholders, CoMeCT will focus on the establishment of a continued dialogue, identification of current challenges, and co-development of best practices for the different elements of clinical studies, preparedness and operation in epidemic and pandemic times.
CoMeCT is funded by the European Union (Horizon Europe programme) under grant agreement n° 101136531, and will run for three years (2023-2026). During this time period, we will work to ensure sustainability of our activities. This project involves 7 partners (INSERM, Ecraid, ECRIN, NIPH, PENTA, UNIVR, and University of Cologne) and is coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH).
Discover the core elements of CoMeCT
Trial Coordination Board
Led by: NIPH
The Trial Coordination Board (TCB) gathers all key stakeholders involved in the implementation of infectious diseases adaptive platform trials (APTs) and the successful integration of the trial outcomes into clinical care. It unites the investigators of these APTs from Europe and around the world with policy makers, regulators, APT experts and more. It provides a forum for multilateral discussions and makes recommendations on the strategic development of the APTs.
Cohort Coordination Board
Led by: UNIVR
The Cohort Coordination Board (CCB) brings together cohort-based COVID-19 research projects across Europe alongside representatives from the European Commission, EMA, ECDC and EFPIA. It aims to encourage knowledge-sharing between cohort-based research projects to facilitate partnerships, discuss similar challenges and reduce overlap between projects. During the CCB’s monthly meetings, members and external experts are invited to present new initiatives, share preliminary results and discuss common challenges.

Outbreak Response Board
The Outbreak Response Board (ORB) is the newest addition to the Coordination Mechanism. Currently in development and more information will be made available soon.Its mission will be intrinsically linked to both the TCB & CCB.

Joint Access Advisory Mechanism
Led by: ECRIN
The Joint Access Advisory Mechanism (JAAM) is a single access point for drug developers to propose new therapeutic and vaccine solutions that can be evaluated in Phase II or Phase III trials. It provides an independent expert panel for the scientific assessment of therapeutics and vaccines in EU-funded APTs.