Brand guidelines

Guidelines for the use of the CoMeCT corporate identity

Our story

The overall goal of CoMeCT is to coordinate activities across Europe’s strategic adaptive platform trials (APTs) and cohort studies (CSs) on infectious diseases with epidemic or pandemic potential, by overseeing and facilitating dialogue, sharing of good practices, promoting collaboration and coordination across studies and providing updated information on initiatives and innovation in ID clinical research. CoMeCT is built on and strengthen existing networks and infrastructures. 

The CoMeCT consortium acknowledges that effective communication and outreach are integral components of the project, crucial not only during its active phase but also for ensuring its continued viability and sustainability. Thus, brand guidelines have been developed to support the CoMeCT brand and identity.


Vision & Mission

CoMeCT's mission is to strengthen Europe's clinical research preparedness and response to infectious disease outbreaks with epidemic potential by facilitating strategic and scientific coordination of APTs and CSs.



Acting as One Against Infectious Diseases


CoMeCT logo

ecrin logo

The COMeCT logo aims to represent the union of several networks and infrastructures, acting as one. The interconnected circles reflect the links between the various CoMeCT components, as well as the studies and cohorts involved in the project. The shapes are soft and the colors are professional, in shades of blue.



Download the logo

Logo with tagline

Classic versionWhite - option 1

Logo only

Classic versionWhite - option 1



CoMeCT symbol

The CoMeCT symbol can be used separately from the logo. It is mainly used to animate communication contents, for example titles or icons.

The official CoMeCT symbol is available in dark and white versions. Please note the use of white space around the symbol. In order to be readable and recognisable, the symbol should not be displayed smaller then 3,5 mm (10 px), and then the yellow square will turn transparent.



Download the symbol

Classic versionWhite - option 1


Core colours

Dark Blue: #0F4162 | CoMeCT blue 0F4162

Light Blue: #06C1C8 | ecrin blue 06C1C8

White: #ffffff | 


Secondary colours

The secondary colours are used to support the powerpoint template, or to illustrate subjects within presentations, brochures, and reports.



Biryani & Catamaran are used for the website and graphic designs. Roboto can be used on word documents and powerpoint presentations.

Fonts CoMeCT

Word & Powerpoint

Word and PowerPoint templates are available for partners via the SharePoint space.